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Student Testimonials

“My process to understand my students is to talk to them. I try to talk to them before and after class or outside of class. I often find myself staying after class to talk to students because it is important for me to offer my time to my students to let them know that I care about them.”

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Theresa’s Journey

“Before taking weekly Monday night classes with Mel, it was really a struggle for me to commit the time for myself to go to yoga consistently. Her energy and sequences (and music choices!) kept me coming back. I felt so much better every time I left class.”

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Urbano’s Journey

“I never know what “flow” to expect from Melanie’s class, but what I do know, is that her class is always going to challenge me physically and mentally, while allowing me for a little bit of learning that I can take away from class and apply to my daily life- off the mat.”

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Michelle’s Journey

“With Mel’s classes, I am able to get lost in the flow and not think about "what's next" because she keeps us moving the whole time and the sequences are not predictable. Her teaching style can be adapted for any level. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, we can all benefit from the detail-oriented way she teaches.”